Employee Policy Handbook Houservices, LLC
Please refer to this handbook whenever you have a question. Benefits and policies explained in this handbook are for general information only, apply to all employees and are subject to change at the discretion of the employer, with or without notice.
As an employee of Houservices, LLC each of us has an important role in providing our clients with the best cleaning experience possible. Whether an employee of one week or many years, we must renew our pledge every day to serve our clients to the best of our ability.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide loving care to all of our client’s belongings. We will always strive to go above and beyond your greatest expectations!
Vision Statement
Houservices, LLC’s vision is to clean our client’s home as though it were our very own. We provide this service because we strive to help make our clients’ lives better!
Company Values
Work smart with personal and professional integrity.
Trust, support and respect each other. Teamwork.
Solve problems by talking with one another.
Do the right and fair thing.
Read and maintain all the policies in this handbook. Responsibility
Safety is the responsibility of every employee. Every employee is entitled to a safe and healthy work environment. It is your responsibility to report situations or conditions that prevent you from performing your duties safely.
Equal Opportunity Workplace
All employment decisions are based upon job ability, experience and achievement, without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, age, veteran status, and disabilities that do not prevent performance of essential job functions or other factors as prohibited by applicable law.
Sexual Harassment & Discrimination
We believe the working environment of all employees should, at all times, be supportive of the dignity and self-esteem of individuals. Achieving this desired environment depends upon mutual respect, cooperation and understanding among fellow co-workers. Houservices, LLC is committed to a work environment that is free from sexual and other unlawful harassment and any kind of discrimination. Any violation of this respect and understanding will not be tolerated and will be addressed on an individual basis. Any employee, who believes he/she is the victim of harassment or discrimination of any kind, should report it immediately to the owner or manager.
We prohibit discrimination against an individual based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, citizenship, age, veteran status, and disabilities. All Houservices, LLC employees are responsible for ensuring that the workplace is free from discrimination.
Violence in the Workplace
We are committed to maintaining a workplace free from harassment, intimidation and violence. Any employee who engages in verbal, written or physical behavior that is threatening, harassing or abusive toward any other individual, whether on or off company property, will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace
Houservices, LLC prohibits the use or sale of illegal drugs and the abuse of legal drugs or alcohol. Employees are prohibited from being on company property or at a job site with any illegal substance or alcohol in his or her system. Employees who violate the drug and alcohol policies are subject to immediate termination.
Outside Employment
As an employee of Houservices, LLC you are permitted to engage in secondary employment if, in the judgment of Houservices, LLC, it does not interfere with your job performance or availability at Houservices, LLC..
Conflict of Interest
Employees are not permitted to provide house cleaning services outside of Houservices, LLC.
If an employee is found doing so, it will result in immediate termination. In addition, employees are only covered by our insurance and bonding while providing services through Houservices, LLC.
As an employee of Houservices, LLC, you are permitted to engage in secondary employment if, in the judgment of Houservices, LLC, it does not interfere with your job performance or availability at Houservices, LLC.
As an employee of Houservices, LLC, you agree not to work for any clients under contract (or having signed a service agreement) without having permission from Houservices, LLC.
Employment Verification
Houservices, LLC sometimes receives requests for references or other information about present and former employees. We provide dates of employment and job title only. Salary information also will be provided if the employee authorizes release of this information.
All overtime must be authorized in advance by the owner. Since payment is on a “per job” basis, overtime will be extremely rare.
Due to the nature of our business, employees are encouraged to keep “on the go” food available for eating/snacking. Further, since employees are paid by the job and not hourly, there are no paid breaks or lunches.
The goal of Houservices, LLC is to be where we say we’ll be, when we said we’ll be there! If an employee cannot make it to a job in the time expected they are to contact the owner or another employee as back up, before the appointed time. Prior arrangements must be made to accommodate the client’s request. Be courteous to our clients and aware of things that can potentially make you run behind. Excessive tardiness or complaints from clients will be grounds for termination. A disciplinary process will commence after two instances of excessive tardiness.
No smoking is allowed while in or around client’s home. No smoking is permitted within 200 feet of client’s property.
Houservices, LLC relies on its employees to report to work as scheduled. Employees are expected to report to work on time and remain in their assigned work area. In the event you are unable to report to work as scheduled, you must notify us immediately.
If an employee is going to be absent for any reason, he/she must call either their back up cleaner or the owner as far in advance as possible, or a minimum of one hour before their scheduled job. If the employee cannot reach their back up cleaner or the owner, they are to contact the client. Employees must explain why they will be absent and when they expect to return to work on a daily basis. Failure to notify the owner properly of any absence will be considered voluntary resignation. Contingencies will be available when proof of an exception situation occurs. This allows us to remain flexible in appropriate situations. Employees with children are expected to have day care arrangements in place in case of illness or other emergency situations.
Failure to report to an assigned job and to notify the owner is considered abandonment of position and a voluntary resignation will be presumed. If an employee is unable to attend their pre-determined assignment, disciplinary action will be taken as follows (over a 6 month period).
The following disciplinary action will be taken:
Of Absences within 6 Months Disciplinary Action
2 Documented verbal warning
4 Written warning
6 Termination
If the employer feels the circumstances justify a reduction in the level of progressive discipline, at the employer’s discretion, an exception to this policy may be made.
Employees will be compensated based on a “per job” basis. They will not be compensated for driving time to and from a client’s home and will not be compensated for their mileage.
Pay Period/Pay Day
Employees will receive paychecks every other Friday. The work week is Monday through Friday.
Employee Information Updates
Any employee changes are to be submitted to the owner, as soon as possible. Changes that may affect payroll (withholding, exemptions, etc.) must be turned in no later than the last day of the pay period to be applied to that pay check.
Sick Time
Full-time employees, with one year of service, get 3 sick days.
Part-time employees are not paid for sick time.
Time off for New Parents
Full-time employees, with one year of service, may take 3 days off from work with pay for the birth or adoption of their child.
Houservices, LLC offers 2 paid holidays for full-time employees, with one year of service. Part-time employees are not offered paid holidays. If you need time off, you must request it as far in advance as possible. We will do our best, but cannot guarantee time off.
Voluntary Resignation
To allow adequate time to transfer your duties and responsibilities, please provide two weeks notice and a letter of resignation.
Monthly Meetings
Meetings are held monthly. Attendance is mandatory. All employees are expected to attend and openly participate with ideas and suggestions. Employees will be paid minimum wage to attend team meetings.
Personal Issues
Employees are encouraged not to bring their personal problems to their profession. Sometimes it is unavoidable. If there is a severe problem, which affects an employee’s ability to perform, it is to be discussed with the owner. The employee can expect to find understanding and help toward creating a solution in the best interest of all concerned. However, if these problems affect his/her attitude and affect the morale of the other employees, a suspension without pay may occur at the owner’s discretion until the problem is corrected. Of course, confidentiality will be strictly observed.
Reporting Injuries
If an employee suffers a work-related injury, it is that employee’s responsibility to report such injury immediately to the owner. Injury reports will be filed by the owner with the insurance carrier within five days of the injury. Houservices, LLC assumes no responsibility if an employee loses benefits due to lack of timely reporting of any work related accident or injury.
It is important that anything observed or told to any employee by a client is to be held in strict confidence. Clients trust us with their keys and home. Employees are expected to be cautious and conscientious.
Collection Policy
It is the policy of Houservices, LLC that all services are to be paid for on/or before the first of each month. Any questions regarding billing are to be directed to the owner. All client payments left with employees are to be turned into the owner/office the day it is received.
Expense Reimbursement
Expenses are to be pre-approved by the owner. If approved, employees will be reimbursed for expenses.
Employees should park on the street of client’s homes, unless expressly told by the client they can park in their driveway.
Severe Weather
It is our policy to service our clients in most circumstances. However, in the event of severe weather, employees have the discretion to make the determination whether or not they should service a client during severe weather. In most cases, a phone call to the owner will help make the decision. In the event severe winter prevents the employee’s ability to go to a client’s home, employees are to contact the owner and the client. Our employee’s safety is important so if it is not feasible to drive in bad weather, it is better to stay home.
Dress Code Policy
Our dress code is a reflection of our professional culture and our client’s expectations, rather than our own personal tastes. For that reason, it is critical to observe and consistently follow our dress code standards at all times.
Uniforms must be clean and pressed. A “complete” uniform is comprised of employer-issued t-shirt and jeans or Khaki’s (shorts are ok). Employer will provide t-shirts to all employees.
Personal grooming and appearance must meet the highest standards.
Fingernails must be clean and well manicured and should have a natural appearance in both color and length. Nail polish should be clear or light/neutral in color.
Clothing must not be excessively short, tight or revealing.
Chewing gum is not allowed when there is contact with the client.
Makeup should be neat, tasteful and applied in moderation.
Hairstyles should be neat and tasteful.
Tattoos must not be visible.
Visible body piercing is limited to the ears only.
The dress code expectations outlined above are not intended to be all-inclusive. Employees who do not comply with the dress code policy will receive a verbal warning. Subsequent warnings will be in writing and repeated violations may lead to suspension and/or termination.
Performance Evaluations/Expectations
Performance evaluation will be at 30, 60 and 90 days of employment. If both employees and employer are mutually satisfied, continued employment will be in place. For any reason, the employee or employer may choose to terminate employment. Performance reviews are based on the responsibilities detailed in the job description, as well as on adherence to the standards of conduct expected by Houservices, LLC. These combined are the basis for personnel decisions such as salary increases, promotions and even termination of employment. After the initial 90-day evaluation, all employees will be evaluated every twelve months. This will include, but is not limited to a formal, written evaluation and an open discussion with the owner.
Supports and follows the policies of Houservices, LLC.
Consistently exhibits good attendance & meets punctuality standards with work schedules.
Demonstrates the ability to be flexible and readily adapts to change.
Exhibits professional appearance and follows the dress code policy.
Assumes responsibility for own continued personal and professional growth.
Practices appropriate confidentiality.
Provides utmost care in all cleaning areas.
Practices good time management for each job.
Is prepared for & participates in team meetings.
Promotes teamwork through cooperative behaviors and sharing responsibility.
Communicates concerns and problems through appropriate channels.
Demonstrates respect for clients, their homes and other employees.
Understands and supports the mission statement of Houservices, LLC.
Salary increases are determined by the performance of each employee. However, salary increases are not necessarily timed to coincide with an evaluation. The owner will determine the timing of the salary increase for each employee. The amount available for salary increases from year to year will be based on business conditions.
Definition of evaluation terms:
Outstanding: Routinely exceeds the normal expectations and requirements.
Above Standard: Performance is above the expected level or essential requirements of the position.
Standard: Performance is consistently acceptable, but does not exceed the minimum requirements.
Below Standard: Performance meets some essential requirements. However, improvement is needed.
Unacceptable: Performance is substandard; deficiencies are clearly evident. Improvement will be required to remain employed.
Sign and detach
This handbook may be reviewed and revised by Houservices, LLC at any time, for any reason and without prior notice.
This handbook does not guarantee you employment with Houservices, LLC for any specific duration.
I have read all the above policies. I agree to abide by them and therefore
accept my employment with Houservices, LLC.
_______________________________________ ____________________
Employee’s Signature Date